Wednesday, March 7, 2012

▷▷▷How to Get Rid of A Golf Slice

Fixing a Golf Slice - 9 Simple Steps

Are You Struggling to Get Rid of a Golf Slice?

It seems that every golfer at some point in time wants to know how to get rid of slice golf. At some point, every golfer has had a fear of slicing.

I know the dreaded fear of the golf slice - I had it bad. I also know how embarrassing it is to hit that weak, airy-fairy shot off to the right, the one that so often goes in the woods or out of bounds.

The other problem with slicing is that it will cause you to lose 10-17 yards from your drives. The reason for this is that slicing will produce a higher shot with more backspin and sidespin than a draw or straight shot. When you learn to overcome slicing and hit the ball straighter, you will naturally gain more distance.

It is possible to overcome a golf slice. If you apply everything I'll teach you in this free online golf lesson, you can learn to fix your golf slice.

What causes a slice in golf? It is simply that the ball is struck with a sideways force that makes the ball spin sideways. Now, one other reason you may be hitting weak shots to the right is that you are hitting the ball off the toe of the club. This in fact will open the clubface at impact. Golf Dust is a great golf impact indicator that can show you if this is what you are in fact doing wrong.

Here's what you must understand - there are only two ways that you can slice a golf ball:

1. An outside-in swing path or 2. Holding the club face open at impact

There is one other thing that may cause a shot that drifts off to the right and that is simply hitting the ball off the toe of the golf club. The best way to find out if you're not hitting the sweet spot is to use a golf impact indicator like Golf Dust or some form of golf tape.

In this article, we'll look at how to cure both of the problems that cause a slice.

However, what I'd like to have you consider first is what's going on in your mind. That's where I was actually having the greatest challenges... and where my greatest breakthroughs have come.

Here's how I corrected my thinking and learned to fix my golf slice:

1. The biggest problem I had with slicing the golf ball was that I was actually overcompensating. My fear was slicing my shot to the right, so I would compensate by trying to pull the club inside to the left. This created an outside-in swing path, exactly what was causing me to slice.

2. Whatever you focus on expands. If you focus on that what you fear, it will expand and your mind will dwell on a slice. Get over it. Yes, that's right, just quit thinking about slicing as of right now. Stop fearing it.

3. One of the best lessons I ever learned about this was is Timothy Gallway's book, "The Inner Game of Golf." He talks about challenging your inner critic. Tell yourself, "Alright body, show me how to hit a slice. Show me what that would look like."

Wow, all of a sudden, just by facing your fear, it takes away the tension!

Then say to your body, "Alright body, now show me how to hit one straight. Then show me a hook." This process allows your body to relax and actually feel what the different swing paths feel like.

Give your body permission to try a few different swing paths. It will be very freeing and suddenly you will gain a new perception and awareness of your actual swing path.

Accuracy Golf Training - How to Align for Straight Golf Shots:

Start focusing on what it takes to hit straight shots. This method of alignment is what I still use and it is extremely effective. If you watch golf on TV, you'll soon discover this is exactly how most touring pros align their shots.

1. Take your grip while standing behind the ball.

2. Next, stand behind the ball and look at the target (usually a flag).

3. Then visualize a line that runs from your target to your ball.

4. Take Dead Aim. Find something that catches your eye that is on that target line, about 1-2 feet directly in front of your ball. This is where you will aim. Make it a precise spot, like the left edge of a divot or an unusual blade of grass.

5. Come to the side of the ball and 1st align your club to the target spot 1-2 feet in front of you.

6. Now ALIGN YOUR FEET TO RUN PARALELL TO THE TARGET LINE. It is critical that you understand this point. Your feet should NOT point at the target, otherwise you will be having a closed stance and it will not be natural for your club to swing through the ball squarely. If your feet are aligned to the target, you will actually have a closed stance and will be forced to overcompensate. The best way to check the line is to take your normal stance, then have someone drop a club at your heels. Then you can go behind the ball and check to see if the club on the ground is lined up parallel to the target (it should be lined up about 15 feet left of the target - the opposite if you are a lefty).

7. Great - now you're perfectly aligned for success. Now waggle the club to release any tension from your hands. I suggest that you develop a consistent number of waggles before you swing because this will help you get in a steady habit. It will also keep you focused on your set-up routine, rather than taking too long over the ball and letting your mind get crowded with negative swing thoughts. You might find something like "1-2-3 go" is helpful. Just create your own pattern and make it a habit.

8. Rotate your head towards the target (do not lift your head up as you will get yourself out of position). Visualize the exact spot where you want the ball to land and roll, then imagine the flight the ball will take. I do this visualization as a part of my waggle.

9. My only swing thought is simple - Feel the club swinging straight down the line. I visualize an imaginary line that runs down the path I want my club to take, then I watch my divot come out of the ground along that path.

These 9 simple steps should prove most helpful in curing your golf slice and allow you to have greater accuracy in your golf game.

If you are still having difficulty getting rid of your golf slice, you should take a look at your grip.

It is possible that you have what is known as a "weak grip." This simply means that your grip is such that your hands tend to roll the club to an open position and the ball curves right at impact.

A simple rule of thumb for a proper golf grip is that you want to be able to see at least two knuckles on your glove hand (your left hand for right-handed golfers). The right hand should tuck in to the left hand and the hands should work together.

You should also have a PGA teaching professional take a look at your set-up.

The Assist Pro Swing Trainer will help you with the grip because it automatically puts your hands in the proper swing position.

One last thing to check to overcome a golf slice: Part of the problem may be in the way you are NOT transferring your weight in the golf swing. If you find that on your follow-through that the majority of your weight is on the right foot (for righty's), you are not transferring your weight properly. This will cause an outside to inside swing plane and will result in a slice.

There are three golf training aids that can help you overcome the problem of slicing the golf ball:

1. The Foot Wedge - No, this is not where you kick the ball into the fairway with your foot. The Foot Wedge is a golf training aid that will help you keep your weight on the inside of the right foot. When you play for real, this should help you get the feel of having your weight on the inside of your right foot. You can buy a foot wedge or even use a couple of headcovers under the inside of your foot.

2. The Inside Approach - this is a great tool to automatically help you improve your swing plane and get the correct inside to outside swing path.

3. The Assist Pro Golf Swing Trainer - this weighted Golf Training Aid helps to get your hands in the proper position and well as develop the proper swing motion.

A Special Golf Tip for Ladies: Many women are especially plagued with slicing the golf ball. It seems the reason for this is often because many women are overly concerned with a swing that "looks good." In conversations I've had with women about this subject, I hear them saying, "I just want to look good when I swing" or "I just don't want to be embarrassed." That's understandable. Learning to hit the ball squarely off the tee feels great - and it makes you look like a classy, accomplished golfer.

Whatever you focus on expands. It may be that you are actually just trying too hard. As a result, you develop a tremendous amount of tension in your body and your hands are not able to relax and properly swing through the impact zone.

Here's the key to hitting great shots: Smile and have fun! Pretend like you're a little kid and you don't care about the results. Say to yourself, "I'm going to enjoy this swing, regardless of the outcome."

Make sure to take your grip like you were hanging on to a baby's hand. When you swing, focus on relaxed hands.

When you practice, take a few swings on the practice range and see if you can detect any tension in your body when you swing. Just notice it, don't try to correct it. Make it your goal to just release any tension and allow yourself to swing to be free, fluid and fast.

The Best Golf Training Aids that Help Fix a Golf Slice:

Inside Approach

This practice tool helps you to get the proper "Inside-Approach" golf swing path. Most people who slice have a swing path that is too steep and comes from the outside of center to the inside. To compensate for pulling their shot, they leave their clubface open through impact, producing that nasty slice.

The Inside Approach Virtually eliminates that improper swing path. It causes a person to actually take the club away in a better position, making it much easier to come back through the ball in the proper position.

Assist Pro

The Assist Pro Golf Swing Trainer is a weighted club that has the weight in such a position that it teaches you the proper motion of the hands to roll over through the impact zone. This practice club also has a grip that automatically puts your hands in the proper and strong position. Great for developing feel, especially for a beginning golfer.

Golf Instruction Book

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